I was reading the blog of a new friend of ours (Krystle – some of you will remember the family, and particularly her son, Austin, who learned to play Pickleball at Thousand Trails Chesapeake Bay a few weeks ago). I was amused by her article about Krispy Kreme donuts, describing how she and her husband one day just happened to be where she saw a Krispy Kreme store with the sign lit, indicating the donuts were there and HOT. She had never experienced a HOT Krispy Kreme donut, and when she did, thought she had gone to heav

I, too, lived in ignorance for most of my life. Years ago, we would buy Krispy Kreme donuts brought to the door and sold for $1/dozen as a fund raiser. They were really good. And, I have had KK donuts lots of times, my whole life. But, I never even heard of a HOT Krispy Kreme. Then, not so many years ago, I was visiting a childhood friend who now lives in San Diego. She was thrilled to learn that Krispy Kreme was coming to San Diego. “Now, I can get them HOT”, she said. So?? She went on to explain how much better the GLAZED DONUTS were when eaten HOT, right from the store. You know what? She was right. From then on, I only get them HOT.
There is a store in Richmond, not too far from the Elk’s Lodge where we are staying. Before Ken had his surgery, we stopped to get some Krispy Kreme donuts. We went inside (you can’t go through the Drive Thru because the hot ones may have sat for a few minutes before you get them).
This has never happened to me before: I told the lady I wanted a dozen “pipeing hot”. I heard her tell her co-worker, “She wants them pipeing hot!” So, she went to the conveyor where donuts were just coming out of the cooking vat. She picked one up with her pick-up stick and dipped it into the frosting and then put it into our box. She did that for the whole dozen!! They could have not been hotter!! Thank you, Lady.
I thought they were the best ever, until, after reading Krystle’s article, I left Ken at rehab last night and drove to Krispy Kreme, on my way home (not). I ordered one pipeing hot one to go. I grabbed my one donut and dashed out to the car where I sat alone and consumed it. Oh, God!!! It was AMAZING!! WONDERFUL!!! That was THE BEST EVER!!! Then I realized, while you are waiting for them to put a dozen HOT donuts into the box, they are already getting cool!!!