March 24 - The weekly Saturday Pickleball Tournament at TT Palm Springs. Rick and Shirley were not there there to run things, but Linda did double duty playing and running the tournament.
This sign on the fence surrounding Court No. 1 shows what the game of Pickleball is all about!! FUN!!

I have lots of action pictures for this Tournament. It was too difficult to eliminate any!!
Ede and Flash (Gordon) started the Tournament.

Playing against Jim and Vic.

On the other court, the ladies Judy and Jeannette.

Yours!! No, it was Yours!!

Gordy and Barb.

Jerry and Gary. Gary had Jerry doing all the work -- he didn't have to move at all!! HA HA

John with Ede.

Ouch!! John took a spill on the court and injured his finger. Ended up going to the Clinic.
Meanwhile Linda put on her other hat and played a match with Barb.

Watch out, Barb!!!

Gordy and Norby.

Husband and wife team of Jeannette and Flash!!
Norby with Sis.

Barb and Ede. Don't mess with these girls!!

They take on Gordy and Tony.
Tony has the most beautiful backhand volley when at the net. I told him I would just finish taking a picture and then immediately there was Tony with his backhand and I'd miss it. I'd take another picture and immediately after there was Tony with his backhand and I'd miss the opportunity to get a picture. Here he is with a backhand, but not the one I wanted. Oh, well!!

Matt and Gary. Good move Gary. Gary is right handed but due to injury he is playing left-handed!

Tony and Jeannette. How are you going to get this one, Tony??

Flash and Linda.

Jerry and Jim.

Ouch!! Another injury!! First we saw blood on the shorts. Then the bleeding finger! Jerry is our hero!!!
Meanwhile, Vic plays with Ede. This was really the tall and short of it!!

They take on Larry and Judy!

Getting ready for our match. Faye, Tony, Gordy and Sis. Sis said she had won all of her matches so far. I REALLY WANTED TO BEAT HER!!! That didn't quite happen, but we had a good match!

Gordy serves it up.

It's OUT!!

Tony's serving technique!

Jeannette and Linda.

Matt and Jim.

Another great tournament!! I think the winners were EVERYBODY!! But those who got the ribbons were: Larry 1st place, Tony 2nd place (I helped), and Norby! Congratulations to everyone who participated.