Mon. Dec. 21 - We have been at TT Palm Springs for two weeks. Our site is quite large and the site next to ours is vacant. The weather has been perfect! It was time for a party!!
Last November I read an article about Beaujolais Nouveau wines, released only in November and is best if drunk within six months. As I mentioned at Thanksgiving, an acquaintance Alice told us that we could get the Nouveau wine at Trader Joe's during November. Not the from Beaujolais, France, but from the Napa Valley!! I bought about six bottles of "Two Buck Chuck" Nouveau and wanted to introduce it to the Pickleball players! Besides, we had to drink it within six months! Thus, a Wine and Cheese party at Ken and Faye's!!
Here we are ready to receive our guests!!

It was a great turnout! Everyone brought cheeses and snacks and a bottle of wine to go with the Nouveau! Here is the table spread. Diane checks out the food spread while Walt studies the wines!

Ken is opening the wine.

Here are the guests:
New Pickleball players this season Pam and Walt.
And Gloria and Bill. Pam (above) is going to show Gloria and me how she makes that wonderful Almond Rocha. Looking forward to that.

Jack and Diane just came back into the park. They are joined by her mother Mickey. What a cutie!!

Roger and Linda are currently at another campground but come over to TT Palm Springs to play.

Becky and Dick. Dick has a very interesting Blog -
Becky & Richard's Journal. Their Blog is included in my list of Blogs in the right margin of our Blog.
Tom, Margie and Bob.

Bill and Pat. Bill is always a cut-up!!

Jim L. and his wife.

Friends Joe and Pam leased a site here for several years. Now they have bought a beautiful home in LaQuinta.

Our Pickleball coordinator Rick with Tom and Bob.
Margit and Ron.

We are enjoying the Nouveau!!! YUUMMMMMMY!! (Friend Brian's bike in the background.)

Surprise of surprises, our dear friends and our Pickleball mentors showed up unannounced. They totally surprised us!! Wayne and Nancy taught us Pickleball at Rancho Oso in April 2002, told us where to go to find other players, and took us under their huge Pickleball wings!! That literally changed our lives!!! So great to see you guys!! Welcome to the party!!!
As I mentioned earlier, Bill is always cutting up. He and I had been acting silly all week long. As they were leaving, Pat grabbed Ken and the two of them got back at us!! Good One guys!!
The Wine and Cheese Party was soooo much fun!! Thanks everyone for coming!!!