Sun, Jan 11 - Today we prepared a package of Venison Chops given to us by Joe and Cis. I used the slow cooker recipe that we used last year. The result was delicious, although the presentation does not quite live up to the flavor!! The chops were wonderful!!!VENISON ROAST BY TWO CHEFS!!!
Tue, Jan 20 - Joe and Cis had given us a large package of venison roast!! Ken and I had no idea how to prepare it; besides, it was more than we could eat! But then we had an brilliant idea!! We "hired" two chefs to prepare the roast for us!!We discovered that friends Barb and Mitch were going to be at TT Orlando while we were here. They were staying in a Get-Away Cabin to meet up with a group of Monaco friends. Also, Marie and Keith were going to be at TT Orlando after the big Tampa RV Show. All of us have been good friends for years.
Mitch is a chef by hobby and enjoys preparing special dishes for all of their friends. Keith is a Chef and teaches culinary arts to his students in Pennsylvania. So - we told them about the Venison Roast and we all arranged a venison dinner with the two chefs demonstrating their culinary skills in preparing the roast!!!
Keith and Mitch carve the Venison Roast!
All of us prepared to sit down for dinner!! Marie, Keith, Barb, Mitch, Faye and Ken!
For dinner: Spinach Mandarin Orange Salad, Venison Roast with Blueberry Reduction Sauce, Sauteed Mushrooms, and Minnesota Wild Rice. Not pictures is the Big Joe cake for dessert!
Our hostess and chef, Barb and Mitch!
Ken and Faye enjoying a bottle of Romantic Girl Cab from Sally and Stan!
It was Keith and Marie's 46th Anniversary. So we all toasted them on the big occasion!
It was a wonderful evening with good friends. And the Venison Roast Dinner was DELICIOUS!!! A big thanks to all involved!!