May 27 - June 1 - We returned to TT Verde Valley on Wednesday, June 25, after our week out in Payson, AZ. On Thursday morning we had an appointment in Cottonwood, and did not get over to the Pickleball courts. On Friday the 27th, when we arrived at the courts, there was a whole new group of new Pickleball players. Five rigs are traveling the country together and had arrived at TT Verde Valley while were were away. They knew about the game of Pickleball but none of them had ever tried to play. They decided now was the time to try -- and they LOVE it!!
The group invited us, and other players we already knew, to join them at a Happy Hour later Friday afternoon. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!
The Men:
Front Row, Left to Right: Ed, Paul, Alan, Ken Second Row: Greg, Carl, Jack, Big Ed standing Third Row: Don, Keith, Larry

The Women:
Front Row, Left to Right: Diane, Jeannie, Faye, Sue our hostess, Trudy Second Row: Linda, Roberta, Elaine, Leona Standing: Sandy
The group is very fortunate that Keith is at Verde Valley and gladly shared his Pickleball knowledge. On Saturday morning, he had lessons for some of the new players.
Larry, Linda, Keith, Elaine

Keith and Elaine. This time I'm not in the Kitchen!!!

Larry lunges for a ball while Linda watches.

Another foursome played on the other court. Here is Don and Jeannie.

And Jack and Sue.

Great game. That was fun!

Other action during the week. Carl and Leona.

Greg and Linda.

The guys had a foursome. Ken, Carl, Don and Ed.

And the girls had a game. Diane, Faye, Leona, and Don agreed to be a girlie girl.

You'll notice all the new players are using Spike's new ZZT Sports paddles. That is what they sell at the TT Verde Valley Store. The name ZZT stands for the first score called in every Pickleball match -- Zero, Zero, Two.
Carl and Leona are leaving on Thursday, so they decided to have a Happy Hour on Wednesday. In an earlier discussion, the group had decided to share "wacky" sandwiches. We had peanut butter with Miracle Whip and bananas; peanut butter with mustard and mayo; peanut butter and pickles, peanut butter and sugar; radish sandwiches, and I don't know what all. We brought "Flaming Hots" and Wasabi Peas to heat things up.

During the Happy Hour, Sue presented the group with Pickleball name paddles that she had gotten from Trudy and Alan.

After that we conducted a Pickle Penning Ceremony in recognition of the new players' enjoyment of Pickleball! They are facing the Pickleball courts and pledging to play, enjoy, and promote the game of Pickleball at every opportunity!

It's been great meeting you guys!! See you on the courts!!!