August 20 – This afternoon I went to the Laundry at TT Mt. Vernon. After loading my laundry into the washers, I checked into the Adult Lounge. I spoke to one of the staff and told her I was hoping to practice some line dancing. She pointed to a group of four in the far corner and said “That’s what they are doing.” I moseyed on over and asked if they were line dancing. Then I commented that they had on real dancing shoes and looked like professionals!! So that is how, out of the clear blue sky, I happened to meet World Renowned Line Dance Choreographers, Karla and Paul Dornstedt!! In fact, later Karla told me they were going to the Dominican Republic next week to lead Line Dancing there. What a deal!!
After chatting a while, we danced a couple of dances –
Little Red Book that I had taught the group at Torrey Oaks this Winter, and
Mamma Maria that my friend Marge taught us at TT Chesapeake Bay this Spring . Then Paul was teaching me a new dance they had just choreographed –
Let the Little Girl Dance (song of the same name by Billy Bland). But BINGO was scheduled, so we had to stop dancing.
The other couple, Rhonda and Mike Allen said they will be leading the Line Dance Rally at TT Wilderness Lakes beginning March 13. They thought I should attend!! They will have two buildings – one for beginner dancers (that's me) and the other for more advanced. So, I think I might include Wilderness Lakes in our Spring schedule.
Unfortunately, they will be leaving the preserve in the next couple of days. But, they invited me to join them on Tuesday at the Mt. Vernon Senior Center where they have line dancing all morning, followed by a luncheon. Sounds good to me!!
My new friends Rhonda, Paul, Me, Karla, Mike.