August 12 – 15 – Oh, what fun we had in Omak!! Of course, it would have been more fun with some friends, but we had a great time, just the two of us!!
We went to the Rodeo on Friday and Saturday nights.

A scene of the crowd!!

The program was the same both nights. As the Rodeo began, there was a team of Precision Riders from Canada performed.

Than the Riderless Horse was led around the arena in memory of a well known Rodeo performer who had died.

Next horsewomen with banners representing each sponsor cantered around the arena. There must have been 20-

There was a time to honor the Three Nations!! Canada, The Indians, and the United States. The anthem of each nation was sung as that rider cantered around the arena. Very impressive.

We were thrilled when we saw the 2010 Rodeo Queen was camped next to us at the Fairgrounds.

But when they announced about 15 Queens at the Rodeo,

we realized that Our Queen was not THE OMAK STAMPEDE QUEEN, but the Othello Rodeo Queen Jade!! Here she is!

Following the introduction of the Rodeo Queens, the American Flag was carried around the arena.

The Rodeo competitions began with Bareback Riding! Most cowboys were able to ride the required 8 Seconds!

Next came the Calf Roping. It was amazing how many missed the calf!

Then it was time for Saddle Broncs. Again, most cowboys did a good job!

That was followed by Bulldogging’!

The ladies of the Rodeo competed in the Barrel Racing!

But, of course, the most popular event was the Bull Riding!!

Not many were able to complete the 8-Second requirement. This bull was amazing!! This PICTURE is amazing!!

This was a funny episode!! This bull refused to leave the arena. The riders spent about 10 minutes trying to get him through the gate.

Finally, the bull just laid down and rolled over and played dead!!
That ended the Rodeo but the evening was not over!!
It was time for the highly anticipated SUICIDE RACE!!
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