July 28 – The next morning we drove up to Whitefish Point on Lake Superior.

The complex consisted of the Shipwreck Museum, The Store, The Lighthouse and Keeper’s Residence, The Coast Guard Station.

We toured all of them. The Shipwreck Museum was amazing! About a dozen of the most significant shipwrecks on Lake Superior were highlighted. The stories were so interesting. The captain of one ship let it be known that he carried His Majesty’s mail and other ships should stay out of his way!! He was responsible for the sinking four ships!! In fact, it seemed that most of the shipwrecks were caused by ships colliding into one another.
Of course, the most famous shipwreck of them all was the Edmund Fitzgerald (made all the more famous by Gordon Lightfoot’s sea chantey)!!

We really enjoyed our tour of the Coast Guard Station Museum. There was an old Coast Guard retiree who greeted us – he was very knowledgeable and could answer all our questions. He pointed out in the center of the museum was a Surfboat that carried about ten highly trained and dedicated surfmen who often risked their lives to rescue those in peril. He said it was used for more rescues than any other type of rescue boat. I asked if the boat was carried on a larger ship to the scene of the wreck. He said No -- they rowed the boat from shore to the shipwreck.

In reading about the rescues I noted that they had recorded 6,735 launches and rescued 6,739 people from shipwrecks. It seemed rather futile to me!! They averaged about one rescue per launch?? I questioned the old gentleman. He explained that they may have to launch five or six times before reaching the shipwreck. They recorded every launch.
After enjoying the museums and the Lighthouse Keepers dwelling, we went out to the beach!! What a beautiful Lake!!

Having lunch!

Of course, I could not resist putting my toes in Lake Superior. Ken did not come down to the water with me so I took this picture of my foot in the surf!!

As Zack Brown sang, “I’ve got my toes in the water, my ass in the sand … I feel good today!!”
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