This is unprecedented!! Terry of America Choice RV (they sell RVs at the campground) approached some of the players and asked if we would like to have a Pickleball tournament and offered to give prizes from their store to the winners!!

In spite of not knowing what the prizes might be, we decided we could not pass up such an opportunity!! So, on Tuesday we had a Pickleball Tournament here at TT Orlando. There were 13 players – a good turnout for this time of year.
Ken and I ran the tournament using the Partner Switch format.

Some of the play.
Here are the players!!

At the end of the tournament, the winners were revealed!!
Travis 1st Place, Renate 3rd Place and Ken 2nd Place.

And Terry came through for America’s Choice and presented store credits to each of the winners –

$30 for 1st Place to Travis

$20 for 2nd Place to Ken
And $10 for 3rd Place to Renate
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners and to ALL the players.