Sunday, December 21, 2008


December 12 - Here is our picture of that awesome Full Long Night Moon on December 12th. This is the biggest, brightest, fullest Moon seen in 15 years. That is because it is the closest the Full Moon has been to the earth since March 8, 1993, and will not repeat until 2016. There is no guarantee that we will be able to see it again then!!

I called our friend Mark and told him about the phenomena. He is an expert photographer, but he would have missed the whole thing if not for my call. He captured a fab picture of the historic Full Moon and posted it on his Blog, Have Bounder Will Travel (See link under Blogs I Follow on the side panel).

I also had to call my daughter, Stasia. She is kooky about such things, and I knew she would be watching. I pointed out to her that here we were, hundreds of miles apart and watching the same Full Moon at the same time!! Togetherness!!! Her husband and Ken just say “UGGH”!!

1 comment:

Mitch and Barb said...

Sorry we missed all the fun!

I saw that moon--it was spectacular! But I didn't know all that stuff about it. How do you find out all that stuff!?

Keep up informed!!