Sunday, January 10, 2010


About a mile from Torrey Oaks is a U-pick farm of hydropnically grown strawberries and vegetables. Ken and I set out one day to pick strawberries. It was really neat because all the plants were on stakes, and not only that, but the were in suspended pots and you could stand in one place and turn the plants to get to the berries on the every side.

Berries were beautiful and plentiful! The owner was very helpful. He gave us buckets for picking and small scissors for snipping the berries rather than pulling them from the vine. And he showed us which berries to pick and which ones needed to ripen more (like we didn’t know).

The owner’s father was there and helped us pick. In fact, he picked so many strawberries that Ken got upset because the old gentleman kept piling berries into our bucket. Ken complained because he didn’t get to pick any himself, AND he didn’t want THAT many berries in the first place -- $11.88 in berries!! That’s $11.88 of yummy strawberry shortcakes!!! UMMMMMMM!!

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