Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jan 31 – Tonight we played Euchre with friends Muriel and Bob from Canada. We met them here at TT Palm Springs many years ago, probably 2004 or 2005. Bob had played a little Pickleball at that time and we had gotten together for a game or two of Euchre.

Tonight they showed us some Canadian rules that were different from any we had played by before:

They deal the cards one card at a time. We had always dealt the cards by two or three at a time.

Cis and Joe taught us that they throw in the hand if you have three nines. Muriel and Bob play you can throw in the hand if you have all nines and tens and no trumps. (Ken had a hand just like that.)

But the change that blew my mind was: whenever you order your partner, the dealer, up, you must go alone!!! That completely changes the game. That means you have to have a really, really strong hand to order your partner up. We’ve always played that if you had good cards you could order your partner up and both of you played as usual.

Anyway, whatever the rules, the guys really stomped the ladies – THIS TIME!!! But wait until the next time!!!

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