Sunday, February 6, 2011


Feb 03 – The very first people we saw when we arrived at the 2011 Palm Desert Senior Games were Linda and Spike!! As I walked by, I heard someone say “Faye?” I turned and saw it was Linda and Spike!! They had tables set up to sell Spike’s paddles, tee shirts, etc. What a thrill to see them!

So, all of you players who bought Spike’s Paddles from us – there really is a Spike!! And Linda. And they are our friends!!

I noticed he had some new paddles. These had ZZT Sports on them with a flaming ball! Looks really wild!! I asked about the significance of ZZT. Linda asked, “What is the first thing you say when you begin a game of Pickleball?” “Uhh, Zero, Zero, Two??” There you go – ZZT!!

They were also selling Pickleball Paddle Clocks. They were pretty neat!

Before we left Spike and Linda, Gordon and Jeannette had come up to buy a couple of Spike’s Paddles!!

Anyone interested in getting some ZZT Sports paddles, you can reach Spike at: Guaranteed to improve your game!!

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