Feb 13 - Today was a cold, overcast day. A good day for playing cards in the game room!!
Ken asked Jeannette and Gordon if they played Euchre! Jeannette was so excited. They used to play but had not played for years!! We got together at two o'clock!!`
Jeannette, Ken, Faye and Flash. (Gordon's Apple Computer in the foreground!)
After several games of Euchre, Jeannette and Gordon taught us a game they play a lot -- High, Low, Jack, Game! It was crazy!! We'll give it another try before we forget how! I think it's kinda like Pickleball -- you may be able to play, but you need someone else to keep the score!! HA HA
While we were playing cards in the Game Room, there was a Pool Tournament going on in the back Pool Room. Last week was the Annual Pool Tournament. Good friends Dick and Rockey competed in that Tournament. The tournament today was TT Wilderness Lakes Weekly Tournament. Dick played in this tournament as well, so I asked Rockey to take pictures of the Pickleball players who were participating.
Here is Dick in perfect form!
Neal lines up for his shot!
Nancy waiting her next turn.
Dick lines up the cue ball!
Although Rockey did not participate today, I should mention that when we last saw them, Dick was taking her over to the Pool Room to teach how to play pool. Today, she is not only competing in tournaments, she was to be in charge of the upcoming annual pool tournament at TT Palm Springs! Unfortunately, they had to change their itinerary and will not be at the Palm Springs tournament after all! Good luck in the future, guys!!
Here is Dick in perfect form!
Great going guys!!
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